Innovation in health and social care... delivered
We work with health and care systems to improve efficacy and efficiency for the benefit of populations and patients
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We work with health and care systems to improve efficacy and efficiency for the benefit of populations and patients
This forum is a network whose aim it is to drive excellence and improve quality and safety in digital healthcare. Created in March 2019, it provides a collective clinical voice for the growing community of digital healthcare providers from across the UK. The participants are the senior clinical leaders from these organisations who ensure collective governance for DiCE.
DiCE has been recognised as the collective independent voice for online clinical service providers. It is therefore supported by:
· Department of Health and Social Care 'DHSC'
· General Medical Council 'GMC'
· General Pharmaceutical Council 'GPhC'
· Care Quality Commission 'CQC'
The NHS Long Term Plan established clear objectives for health systems to deliver improvements in health inequalities that have been a persistent feature of the social landscape of England, and COVID-19 has also put a spotlight on quite how acutely social, economic and environmental conditions are inextricably linked to the health and wellbeing of our population. Primary Care Networks provide an opportunity to address health inequalities and some of the wider determinants of health and well-being.
The ‘Complete Care Communities’ programme centres on key health inequality challenges faced by local populations, especially those associated with the wider determinants of health, that require collaborative working with local councils and other agencies. This national programme works closely with demonstration sites to put existing evidence into practice, test new ideas and approaches and share learning widely across the health, care and local services community. Each demonstrator site will then feed into a national evaluation so that learning and best practice can be shared and propagated.
A unique, certificated online training course aimed specifically at clinicians to enable them to extend and enhance their existing skills to reach their full potential in delivering online consultations. Suitable for GP’s, nurses, consultants and pharmacists.
Created by Healthworks and accredited by DiCE, it comprises three online video modules, each approximately two hours long, and online testing. The complete course equates to six hours of CPD (certificate and course handbook provided) and will equip you in the following all-important areas:
Legal and governance
- Data protection; information and clinical governance; legal considerations; compliance and obligations.
Technical competencies
- Navigation of a standardised delivery platform; proficiency in using patient and clinician dashboards; delivering to new GMC remote consultation guidelines.
Humanistic skills
- Transfer of humanistic skills to a digitally enhanced environment; understanding how virtual consultations translate into patient activation and improved outcomes
The platform for evidence and debate on the future of community-based health and care services. It has deep roots in primary care but will also cross disciplines and organisations to encompass all organisations that typically make up Integrated Care Systems and those engaged with the wider determinants of health and social care.
The existing media players are locked into the wrong place for these developments - they are all forced to address the debate from the position of their own special interest group, which is at odds with the rapidly growing recognition that care has to be seen from the perspective of place, patients and systems, not organisations and professional boundaries. Of course the silos and boundaries will endure, but they are not where you will find the direction of travel, the focus of debate, the information requirement and the commercial opportunity.
Led by senior thought leaders within the health and care sectors, the SoN reports are designed to align with the NHS Long Term Plan and provide intelligence for the future development of the sector per se, and building back better post-pandemic. Offering:
· A ‘critical friend’ appraisal of the policy landscape.
· An academic appraisal of current delivery plans.
· A showcase for innovation and scalable best practice.
Through a series of public, private and collaborative case studies, these reports showcase and provide intelligence on the latest examples of innovation and excellence across the UK. In partnership with the Government and the NHS, the SoN reports will explore how NHS England are performing in terms of the delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan. All to be reviewed and updated annually.
The NHS Long-Term Plan and the introduction of Primary Care Networks sets out significant change for primary and community care. The introduction of Primary Care Networks will transform primary care services and provide new opportunities as well as a range of challenges. Those leading on the development and delivery of these new networks and models of care will require strong and robust leadership skills as well as the knowledge and insight to successfully drive the future of primary care.
We worked with the HFMA and Capsticks to deliver the Diploma in Advanced Primary Care Management, a masters level programme that enables learners to develop their skills, knowledge and ability to successfully manage primary care at scale.
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